As you move into the divorce process, you’re likely to have several high-level concerns weighing you down. While you hope that these don’t cause too much of an issue, you realize that you only have so much control over the future.
On the plus side, outlining your primary concerns goes a long way in helping you formulate a strategy for avoiding a serious setback. Here are some things to prepare for:
- Property division: You want to obtain your fair share of assets in your divorce. Create a property division checklist that outlines all your assets, designates those that are individual and marital, and assigns a value to each one. This doesn’t guarantee that you get what you want, but it allows you to remain organized. You can do the same thing for your debts.
- Child custody: The question of who gets physical custody of the children is often a sticking point in divorce. If both of you are battling for physical custody, formulate a strategy that positions you as the best option.
- Child support: For example, if you receive physical custody of your children, you may expect your ex-spouse to pay child support. This money will help you provide for your children, such as by paying for food, clothing, shelter and other necessities.
- Your emotions: It’s easy to overlook your emotions, as you’re paying so much attention to things such as child custody and property division. But if you don’t take care of your mental health from the start, you may soon find yourself bogged down by more stress than you can handle. Don’t let your mental health get away from you during your divorce. It’s okay to take a step back to give yourself time to breathe.
No two people have the same concerns in divorce, but the four above have the potential to make you anxious.
As you prepare for the divorce process, make a note of everything you want to accomplish as well as a strategy for doing so. Things may not go as planned, but at least you have an idea of the steps you want to take and how to protect your legal rights.