As you go through your divorce, one of the things you should consider is using alternative dispute resolution to resolve your case. Why? Divorces are hard on everyone, but you don’t need to drag yours out into the courts. With alternative dispute resolution, you have the option to resolve your conflict without going to court, which helps you keep your divorce more private.
Alternative dispute resolution is often popular among those divorcing because it comes in a few forms that reduce stress and the cost of divorce. On top of that, you’re more likely to get a predictable result through these ADR options than if you were to go to court. Remember, if you take an issue before a judge, that judge will have the final say on the dispute and could make a decision that you don’t agree with.
Alternative dispute resolution saves you time and money
ADR saves you time and money, which is why it’s so great for many couples. If you and your spouse are at least willing to try to work together and negotiate, then options such as these may be beneficial to you:
- Collaborative law
- Mediation
- Arbitration
Each of these has benefits, such as reducing the cost of your divorce compared to litigation, helping you resolve conflicts in situations where you need to continue working together in the future and getting help settling issues when you cannot come to an agreement.
How do you know that alternative methods of dispute resolution are right for you?
If you and your spouse are committed to ending your relationship on a positive note and remaining civil with one another, then ADR is right for you. It can also be a great option if you’re both concerned about keeping your divorce private or avoiding an unknown outcome in the courtroom.
For a more relaxed divorce that aims to resolve conflicts and produce an outcome you can both be happy with, ADR could be a good choice. This is something to discuss when you speak with your attorney about getting a divorce the first time, so you can decide how you’d like to move forward and the options that are open to you.